Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lahori Nashta

1cup of Semolina
1cup of clarified butter
1cup of sugar
½ grams of dried whole milk
50grams of almonds and pistachio
½ tsp of yellow color
2tbsp of screwpine
1-1½ glass of water

In a dry pan cook 1cup of semolina on low flames. When semolina is cooked, add 1cup of clarified butter and 1¼ glass of water. Now include 1cup of sugar, 50 grams of almonds and pistachio and yellow color and cook it for 10 minutes on low flames. In the end, mix and add 2 tbsp of screwpine and ½grams of dried whole milk. Halva is now ready.

Allo Channa Bhaji

2 boiled potatoes
1gram of curt
1cup of boiled Bengal gram
½ cup of clarified butter
¼ bunch of coriander
1 tsp of mustard seeds
1 tsp of onion seeds
1 tsp of turmeric
1 tsp of cumin seed powder
1 tsp of coriander powder
1 tbsp of ginger garlic paste
1-½ tbsp of red chili powder
Salt to taste

Slice 2 boiled potatoes in to thin slices. In a pan put ½ cup of clarified butter and add and stir 1 tbsp of ginger garlic paste. Include 1gram of curt, 1tsp of mustard seeds, 1tsp onion seeds, 1-½ tsp red chili powder, 1 tsp turmeric, 1tsp cumin seed powder, 1tsp coriander powder, ¼ bunch of coriander and salt to taste and stir it on low flame. Add boiled potatoes and boiled Bengal gram and stir it properly. Then add salt to taste. Serve.

2cup flour
¼ cup clarified butter
Oil to cook
Salt to taste
Add salt to taste, pour required water and ¼ cup clarified butter in 2 cup flour and kneed it into dough. Leave the dough for10 to 15 minutes and then distribute it in equal portions. With the help of (bailan) shape it into puri to fry. And it’s ready.

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