Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cheese and Vegetable Pizza

½ kg plain flour
20 grams yeast
20 grams butter
20 grams salt
15 grams sugar
Water as required

Ingredients for pizza sauce
1 cup tomato paste
1 tbsp garlic paste
1 tbsp red chili flakes
½ tsp oregano
½ tsp thyme
3 tbsp oil
Salt to taste

Ingredients for topping
1 packet mozzarella cheese
1 tomato
1 capsicum
4 onions
6 green chilies
½ bunch parsley

For dough, mix ½ kg plain flour, 20 grams yeast, 20 grams white butter, 20 grams salt, 15 grams sugar and water to requirement and knead to form fine dough. Put kneaded dough in a bowl and cover with a plastic foil.

For pizza sauce, sauté 1 tbsp garlic paste in 3 tbsp oil and then add 1 tbsp red chili flakes, ½ tsp oregano, ½ tsp thyme, salt to taste and 1 cup tomato paste. Add ¼ cup water and cook on low flame. When sauce is comparatively dry, it is ready for pizza topping.

Grease pizza pan with butter and place pizza dough evenly on it. Brush the edges with oil. Spread pizza sauce on it. Top with finely sliced tomato, capsicum, onion and green chilies. On the very top, sprinkle a packet of shredded mozzarella cheese. Bake in a pre heated oven at 220 c for 15 to 20 minutes. Cheese and Vegetable Pizza is ready to serve.

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